Modern aquaponics is a relatively new practice that still occupies a niche in the business of food production. Aquaponics can still require substantial startup investment, and Its primary commercial market is often limited to high end local restaurants who will pay premiums for fresh, high quality, and responsibly produced food. However, as with most things, increased adoption leads to faster innovation and new technology, leading in turn to efficiency improvements and ultimately to higher profit margins. A convincing example of that kind of progress requires looking no further than your personal computer. Future prospects, then for profitable aquaponics ventures look increasingly bright.
At the present time, aquaponics can be profitable if you’re able to identify a reliable market for your product which supports an appropriate price level. Rather than producing an enormous complex of shiny new buildings on prime industrial or agricultural land, consider taking advantage of under-used or even abandoned plots and buildings, which can save significant capital costs. Alternative energy sources (wind or solar power, for example) can significantly cut daily operational costs. Community and charitable food businesses can also seek donations of goods and services to lower their initial setup costs. While their goals won’t necessarily be focused on profit, operational efficiency is still critical for success.