Does aquaponics need sunlight?

Aquaponics can be successfully grown indoors, in a location with no natural light. Of course, since plants rely on photosynthesis to survive, there must be some sort of light to support that. Without sunlight, the plants will rely on artificial light provided by you.

Lack of natural light used to be a big challenge for hydroponics operations, especially those owners seeking to extend the growing season into the reduced daytime hours of winter. In recent decades, however, there have been vast improvements in the types of lights and spectrums available for use in aquariums, greenhouses, basements and even offices. Specialized bulbs and lighting systems can reproduce the full spectrum of daylight at high noon on a sunny day, or the specific range of red frequencies preferred by flowering plants. Research into the specific needs of your crop will pay off as you adjust your system for rapid, healthier, vibrant growth. When you’re setting up your artificial lighting system, be sure you consider your design and make sure it carries light to all sections of your grow tables equally, avoiding stunted and nonproductive growth on the periphery. You’ll also want to ensure that the lights are close enough to provide enough brightness, while simultaneously guarding against excessive heat produced by the bults. Fans can sometimes mitigate this problem; otherwise, you may be faced with replacing your lighting system with a lower temperature option.

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