Regulations, safety and sanitation concerns all play a part in how far a farm pond should be placed from a home or building. First, you’ll need to check with local regulations to see if any distances are specified. In some areas, there may be no rules in place about how close homes or structures can be to a pond, but other areas will stipulate that homes must be anywhere between 50 and 300 feet away. There may also be rules about outbuildings like barns. Even in areas with no guidelines, you’ll want to make sure that your pond is at least 50 to 100 feet away from a house to prevent damage when the pond overflows it’s banks.
Septic systems are another concern. Locate your home’s septic system and be sure to keep the pond at least 50 to 100 feet away from the home’s septic lines and leach field. This will help prevent contamination between the septic system and the pond.