Setting up an aquaponics system can be either a very expensive venture, or manageable on a shoestring budget, depending on your goals and preferences. Setting up for a large money making business requires adequate room, equipment, tools for monitoring, and maybe even staff for running day to day operations. Obviously, this requires quite a bit of capital to get launched, and isn’t really a good idea for a beginner, unless they’re also paying for an experienced manager to teach them the ropes.
If you’re just dipping your toes into the idea of aquaponics and want to see if it’s something you’d enjoy, then it can be started using little more than a good size aquarium tank, a bubbler, and some grow lights. Obviously, this isn’t likely to feed even a small family over the winter, but it’s potentially easier to grow by steps as you learn the craft and learn from your mistakes. Inevitably, there will be mistakes after all, and it’s easier to manage them if it’s a few tanks in your basement vs an acre of expensive stock. When you’re setting up your first small-time system, remember that you don’t need to go for looks. Large (food grade) barrels, raised-bed planters with liners rated for potable water, and some aquarium or pool pumps will get you started. A bit of time spent sourcing your materials can save a lot, but if you just want a “plug and play” system, you can start at around $100 for a tabletop system to upwards of $10,000 for a family size setup that includes a greenhouse. Commercial systems, especially if you’re looking for complete setup, could go as high as $50,000 (or more).