Is aquaponics the future?

Aquaponics is an increasingly efficient, environmentally-friendly and sustainable method of food production that can potentially be implemented on a global scale. The need to feed an ever-increasing population, to rectify imbalances in food security and nutrition, and to provide economic opportunities for remote communities, underdeveloped countries, and even disadvantaged urban areas can be addressed through increasing adoption of forward-looking practices like these. As industrial farming techniques come increasingly under scrutiny, efficient production of local food sources (both animal and vegetable) that permit reduced use of chemicals while improving quality and availability are more and more attractive. Recent events also underline the need to develop robust local food networks that can be sustained through severe events like pandemics, natural disasters, and widespread civil unrest.

While it has a bright and compelling future, it’s unlikely that aquaponics will overtake food production completely. Certain crops (tree nuts, wheat and rice) and livestock (dairy cattle, pigs, chickens) are obviously not suited to aquaponics, although the model for sustainability and innovations in production may lead to improved techniques for those as well. Aquaponics as an industry has experienced steady growth, with an expected 66% increase over the five years ending in 2022. Such robust growth coupled with the environmental and human imperatives addressed by this practice mean that food production through aquaponics will undoubtedly be a significant part of future economies.

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