What are the best fish for an outdoor pond?

There are hundreds of types of fish that are well suited for outdoor ponds, and choosing which are best for you depends largely on your intended use and your personal preferences. Wildlife ponds that attract local visitors such as raccoons and herons will demand plentiful, hardy fish in a size that appeals to the local denizens. Fishing ponds will be most popular if they’re stocked with larger fish and catfish that can provide the satisfaction of a good hunt as well as a good meal. Backyard ponds intended for beauty and entertainment are best filled with colorful, active and curious fish who might even approach for a treat.

It’s also good practice to consider your long term plans before you take the leap. Will your fish be overwintering in your pond? Is your region one where there is likely to be ice and snow throughout the season? Are you planning on a constructed pond with filtration and pump, or are you planning on stocking an existing natural pond? Your state or county Department of Natural Resources will have free publications available online with detailed information about building and managing recreational and fishing ponds for your area, including the species that produce the most balanced and stable fisheries. If you’re planning on filling an ornamental backyard pond, then you may want to start with the popular and hardy goldfish -- not the fancy types, but graceful Comets, colorful Shubunkins and other single tailed varieties who tolerate cold and are fast swimmers so they can escape predators. Koi, of course, are the iconic pond fish and are generally quite hardy, but highly prized individual fish from collectors and breeders can be quite valuable and therefore not the best “starter” fish for your pond.

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