Aquaponics systems can require a larger initial investment, as well as higher energy costs through the long-term in order to maintain the ecosystem throughout the year. Tools to constantly monitor and control water quality and temperature will be required, as well as a reliable and uninterrupted power-source. Unreliable energy could be very dangerous for the fish and plants alike, even for a short period of time. There is more equipment needed than would be through traditional soil-farming, although this is partially offset by reducing the need for heavy machinery or pesticides.
While it is certainly possible for aquaponics systems to function on a large scale, the equipment and space required for starting a significant commercial aquaponics venture is more expensive than it would be to begin traditional farming at a similar size. However, aquaponics can majorly save on space, allowing you to pack crops more densely while still providing each plant the proper nutrients. Dually harvesting fish and crops can allow for multiple streams of revenue, and may help offset the initial investment needed to get started.