Regardless of the season, choose a time of year that is known to be dry and mild in your region. There are several reasons why you’ll want dry, mild weather. Avoiding rain is crucial because heavy rains can cause erosion around a freshly excavated pond, which can mean that after a rain, you may find yourself redoing sections of the excavation. You’ll also need dry weather so that you can adhere seams in the liner without issue. Warm weather is also important—any time between late spring and early fall—not only to help adhesives cure properly, but also so that you can get vegetation started on exposed portions of the pond bank to prevent erosion.
Avoid times of the year or times of the day when high winds are prevalent. Even large, heavy pond liners can blow around in a strong breeze. Liners for farm ponds are large enough that if a moderate to strong breeze catches them just right, it can send the liner—and anyone hanging onto it—flying. If you do find yourself working during windy periods, have plenty of sandbags on hand to hold the liner down.