Why are geomembranes used for ground stabilization in mining operations?

Geomembranes are used in ground stabilization to maintain terrain integrity, prevent erosion, ensure slope stability, and contain erosive materials. You can find geomembranes being used in the construction of roads, embankments, dams: anywhere that destabilization due to erosion & water exposure is a risk. Since mining operations often involve a large amount of excavation and removal of soil and rock. This can leave exposed surfaces vulnerable to erosion caused by precipitation, runoff, or even wind. Geomembranes are used as covers for these exposed surfaces and prevent soil erosion. This maintains soil stability and minimizes soil loss.

Effective water management is a huge part of any mining operation. Geomembranes can be found in water storage structures like ponds, reservoirs, or settling basins. These help prevent water seepage, water loss, and avoid soil satruation that can lead to ground instability.

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