Why are geomembranes used in barren ponds?

Geomembrane liners are often used in barren ponds for environmental protection and operational efficiency. Barren ponds in mining are also known as process water ponds or runoff ponds. These are used to store water that has been used in mining operations but does not contain the wanted minerals or metals. These ponds can contain residual chemicals, metals, or sediments from mining processes that can be incredibly harmful to the outside envirionment if its able to enter the ecosystem.

Geomembrane liners provide a layer of protection between this hazardous liquid and the surrounding soil and groundwater. This reduces the risk of contamination and potential for environmental damage. The use of geomembranes to contain this water also preserves water that can be used for another purpose. Preventing water loss can help a mining operation reduce its freshwater intake, saving money and resources.

Liners by BTL

AquaArmor Pond Liner

The most versatile liner on the market today, AquaArmor maximizes protection from harmful UV rays, tear resistance and punctures that cause leaks. Simply the best liner on the market.

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