Chapter 3: All about Fish for Aquaponics
Fish are complex living organisms, but they still only have a fixed set of requirements. By supplying what a specific species of fish requires, while avoiding diseases and other disasters, you can harvest a steady supply of healthy, low-fat protein that can fetch a healthy price in the right market. However, raising fish in an aquaponics system is often trickier than you might expect at first. Proper fish selection, sourcing healthy fry and fingerlings, and knowing how to supply for the fish’s needs, goes a long way in ensuring aquaponics success.
Aquaponics E-Book Chapters
Chapter 1: What is Aquaponics and Why Is It Valuable?
Chapter 2: Aquaponics vs Hydroponics vs Recirculating Aquaculture
Chapter 3: All about Fish for Aquaponics
Chapter 4: Considering the Plants
Chapter 5: Buffering, Waste Control and Biofilters
Chapter 6: The Most Common Methods of Aquaponics
Chapter 7: Recirculating Aquaponics or Not?
Chapter 8: Before You Design Your Own Aquaponics System
Chapter 9: Designing an Aquaponics System
Chapter 10: Managing Water Quality in the Aquaponics System
Chapter 11: Managing the Fish and Harvesting Them
Chapter 12: Managing the Plants and Harvesting Them
Chapter 13: Supercharge Your Aquaponics with Greenhouses
Chapter 14: Running an Aquaponics Business
Chapter 15: Selecting a Location for an Aquaponics Facility