Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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How do I protect my fish from cold?
Winterizing your pond is one of the primary ways to ensure your fish are happy and healthy throughout the winter.
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What happens to the frogs in my pond during winter?
Frogs are especially powerful hibernators, and can actually come back to life after freezing completely.
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What do fish eat during the winter?
Fish enter periods of dormancy called "torpor" during the winter. This reduces their metabolism and makes it so they need significantly less food in order to survive.
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Why do I need netting for my pond during the winter?
While netting is usually used in the fall to prevent debris from falling into your pond, netting can also be utilized in the winter to protect your fish from predators.
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Will goldfish survive in a frozen pond?
As long as there is some room beneath the ice, goldfish are able to survive a frozen pond as long as they're properly prepared and the pond is winterized.
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Can baby fish survive in a pond in winter?
Baby fish don't have the fat reserves that their older relatives do, and are less likely to survive the lack of food during the wintertime.
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How deep does a pond have to be to keep from freezing?
Most ponds deeper than 3 feet are less likely to freeze completely, however, this has a lot to do with your location and particular conditions.
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Can fish survive being frozen in a pond?
Fish can survive underneath a layer of ice in a pond, but no fish can survive a pond which is completely frozen from the surface to the bottom.
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Can fish survive in a completely frozen pond?
No, fish require water to be able to breathe and move around freely.
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How do fish breathe under ice?
Since fish require oxygen to survive, aerators are often added to fish ponds to provide extra oxygen in the water during the wintertime.
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How do you maintain a pond during winter?
The primary ways to maintain a healthy pond throughout the winter relies on preparation.
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Should I keep running filters in winter?
Pond pumps and filters can be kept yearround in a place that experiences mild winters, however, in colder places, it may save your equipment to remove it before the first freeze.
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Do I keep feeding my fish during winter?
Once the water in your pond drops below 50 degrees, you can stop feeding your fish altogether until things warm back up to that same benchmark.
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Do I need a de-icer for my pond in the winter?
It's very important that there's at least some part of your pond that isn't completely covered by ice during the winter.
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What do I do with my pond fish during the winter?
Some kinds of fish are able to survive cold winters by entering a period of dormancy. This lowers their metabolism and allows them to survive without ready access to food.
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At what temperature should I turn off my pond pump?
You'll want to turn off and remove your pond pump and filters once temperatures are between 40-50 degrees and you are no longer providing fish food.
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How do I winterize a pond fountain?
You'll want to drain all the water from your fountain and store the pump in water somewhere that it won't freeze.
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If we don't have hard freezes, can I keep my waterfall going all winter?
Yes! However, forming ice may cause flowing water to divert from its natural path, and may cause flooding or seepage.
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Should I cover my koi pond in the winter?
Covering your koi pond in the winter will help keep temperatures warm and prevent leaves or debris from falling into the water.
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Do I need to add chemicals or bacteria to my pond for the winter?
Green organic growth, like algae, will be much less likely to grow in water below 45 degrees.
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Should I place a heater in my fish pond for the winter?
A heater can prevent ice from forming in some areas, this allows gases to escape and for oxygen to permeate throughout the water.
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Can koi ponds survive in winter?
Koi are a hardy fish that are more likely to survive through the winter cold.
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What floating pond plants can survive winter in a pond?
Some floating plants, like hard water lilies, pickerelweed, and marsh marigold are winter hardy and less likely to die as the cold weather rolls in.
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