Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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Can a greenhouse help with food shortages?
Greenhouses can be utilized yearround, they protect plants from freezing temperatures, pests, and maintain ideal conditions to grow happy, healthy plants.
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How do I stock up on food?
Creating an organized, cool and dark place to store your goods is ideal, especially if its in a weather-safe part of your house.
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How much food does a family eat in a year?
A family will consume varying amounts of food, depending on their dietary habits and the age of those in the family.
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How can I prepare for a food shortage?
Short term preparation looks like storing canned items and dried staples like wheat and grain. Long term preparation looks like creating sustainable alternatives, like gardening, managing a greenhouse, fishing from a pond, hunting, raising animals, etc.
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What does a food shortage mean?
A food shortage is a wide-sweeping in food supply, it's distribution methods, and its general accessibility.
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How big does a greenhouse have to be to feed a family?
A family of four will probably want to grow between 10 and 20 plants per person, for a total of 80 plants.
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What food lasts the longest in storage?
Canned and dried goods are the most shelf-stable products to keep on hand.
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Are grocery stores running out of food?
Grocery stores are having trouble sourcing, or are simply paying more for many of the products they would usually have.
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How much food should I stockpile?
A short-term gas crisis or weather event will need less supplies than a long-term issue like supply chain disruptions, war, etc.
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What should I stockpile for food shortages?
Staples like dried goods, pasta and grains, flour, rice, spices, and canned goods are all excellent basics to start stockpiling.
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What foods will there be a shortage of?
Some of the likely foods that will be effected in the shortage are avacados, grains, pet food, pasta, baby formula, beer, and more.
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Why are grocery store shelves empty?
Supply chain disruptions have exacerbated issues that were already in place from climate change and strained industries.
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Can a greenhouse provide food yearround?
Greenhouses can be temperature controlled, protecting the produce inside from cold or freezing temperatures.
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Will there be a food shortage in 2022?
Covid-19 and the effects of climate change mean that many food items are becoming more expensive or harder to get.
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Is there a food shortage coming?
Food shortages in the U.S. are predicted by some experts as a long-term problem due to climate change and supply chain disruptions.
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Can a greenhouse feed a family?
Greenhouses can be built at any scale, and can easily support an average family between 3-5 people with only a few square feet.
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How do you prepare for a food shortage?
How much food and supplies you store depends on the length of the shortage you're facing.
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What's the best way to homestead with limited space?
The best kind of homesteading for you will depend on how truly limited your space is, even an apartment or condo can be turned into a sustainable, self-reliant homestead of sorts.
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How do homesteads get through the winter?
Wintertime can mean a lack of available produce and income for many farmers, homesteaders get through these times by saving and preserving reserves, as well as utilizing heated greenhouses.
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Can you grow food in the winter?
Some produce is attuned to winter temperatures, while others can still thrive through the holidays if placed within a temperature controlled and heated greenhouse.
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Can you homestead in the suburbs?
Suburban or urban homesteading is becoming much more popular in recent years, as large tracts of private land become harder to come by.
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How do you heat a greenhouse for cheap?
A greenhouse can be passively and sustainably heated through harnessing solar or geothermal energy, and directing it into the greenhouse.
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Can you generate power on a homestead?
Power generation on a homestead can be done in a variety of ways, depending on your budget and how much room you have.
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