Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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What should I grow in my greenhouse?
What to grow in your greenhouse depends on where you're located, who you're feeding, and how you'll be growing your plants.
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What's the cheapest way to build a greenhouse?
PVC hoop houses are some of the easiest and cheapest forms of DIY greenhouses available.
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Do homesteads still exist?
Homesteads can still be found all over the U.S. and world, even in some suburbs or city centers.
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How much does it cost to start a homestead?
Almost any budget can fit their own version of beginning a homestead; the steps to start living sustainably and naturally can be scaled down or up as widely as fits your lifestyle.
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What is backyard homesteading?
Backyard homesteading is done on a fairly small piece of land, usually the size of a suburban backyard, while still achieving the same goals of self-reliancy and sustainability.
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Can you make money while urban homesteading?
There are several options for urban homesteading that can lead to turning a small profit.
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Can a greenhouse make enough food to live?
It depends on how many people you intend to feed, and how large your greenhouse is.
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What is an urban homestead?
An urban homestead is found within city limits, sometimes even an apartment complex, and is a way of sustainable living without necessarily working a large plot of private land.
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What does homesteading mean?
Homesteading referes to the "back to the land" way of living that often involves growing your own food, collecting your own resources, and building/powering your own home.
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Can you homestead in the city?
Yes! Urban homesteading is exploding in popularity in recent years, and more and more opportunities for city gardening/sustainable living are emerging every day.
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What should I grow on my homestead?
The best options to grow on your homestead will depend on your goals, where you're located, and how you intend to grow your plants.
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Is homesteading right for me?
Homesteading can be right for everyone, however, certain circumstances will make the process of transition more or less difficult.
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What are the best greenhouse vegetables?
The best vegetables for a greenhouse are durable, highly nutritious, and high-yielding.
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How do you start homesteading?
Homesteading can be begun from a variety of choices/changes. Even growing your own countertop herb garden for cooking is a form of smallscale homesteading.
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What can you grow yearround?
In a temperature controlled greenhouse, almost any produce can be nurtured and harvested yearround.
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How does a small homestead grow food?
A small homestead can grow enough food to support a family by focusing on subsistence agriculture, and either preserving food or giving a safe environment to grow in the winter.
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Can you support a family with a greenhouse?
A greenhouse can support a family of any size, as long as the greenhouse is big enough and the space is used efficiently.
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Can a greenhouse provide income?
Greenhouses can provide income by selling raw produce, or by using your harvests to produce meals, products, etc.
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What is subsistence agriculture?
Subsistence agriculture is focused on providing enough food for one family to survive on, rather than producing a mass excess for sale.
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How can a homestead use a greenhouse?
A greenhouse provides an especially ideal place for plants to grow, safe from the environment and less than ideal conditions.
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Can a homestead be profitable?
Not only can a homestead support itself, at a certain size, it can even generate profit -- this depends on it's size, and the surrounding market.
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Can a greenhouse be profitable?
A greenhouse can make money in a lot of ways! This includes growing and selling raw produce, as well as creating secondary, manufactured or artisan goods with what you grow.
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What is a self-sustaining greenhouse?
A self-sustaining greenhouse is able to "run itself," in terms of temperature regulation and energy production.
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