Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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What can be grown in a greenhouse?
With few exceptions, any plants that can be grown in soil will grow in a properly designed greenhouse, while exotic flowers, fruits, vegetables and other crops that are sensitive to temperature, light and weather conditions should thrive under controlled greenhouse conditions.
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Are greenhouse plants susceptible to pest infestations, and is it possible to control pests naturally (organically) in a greenhouse?
Some common agricultural pests can be problematic in a greenhouse, and may be particularly troublesome because use of pesticides and insecticides in a covered, controlled environment is discouraged for both health and safety reasons.
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What is a High Tunnel Greenhouse?
High Tunnel is simply another term for an economical, semi-permanent, portable type of hoop house used primarily by farmers who grow crops directly in soil.
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What is a Hoop House?
Hoop houses, also known as Low or High Tunnels, are a modified form of greenhouse. They are designed to offer cover to crops planted directly in soil.
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What is the best way to control heat buildup in a greenhouse?
Basic requirements for greenhouse growing are light, moisture and the proper temperature for the crops being cultivated.
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Are greenhouses energy-efficient?
Proper siting and knowledge of greenhouse design principles, including selection of appropriate materials, are the major factors in the efficiency of modern greenhouses.
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Can greenhouses be insulated and/or temperature controlled?
The simple answer is yes, and some form of temperature modulation is always required for greenhouses. Temperature control not only compensates for seasonal variations, but also ensures that plants will tolerate the heat from afternoon sun in the summer, and will not be growth-stunted by cold air during the winter.
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What is the best location for a greenhouse, and how should a greenhouse be oriented?
The basic concept of a greenhouse is to take optimal advantage of sunlight and its warmth to grow plants.
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What are the different types of plastic used for Greenhouse ceilings and walls?
Depending on your needs and your budget, there are several types of plastic film or solid material that can be used for the plastic roof and/or sides of a greenhouse.
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What is the best material for greenhouse covering?
There is no single "best" greenhouse covering. It all depends on the design and purpose, and the size of the greenhouse.
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What is Modified Environmental Agriculture (MEA)
Modified Environmental Agriculture is the term applied to greenhouse growing that reduces the impact of weather conditions on plant growth but offers minimum control of the actual growing environment.
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What materials can be used to construct a greenhouse frame?
The most commonly-used frames for the various styles of greenhouses are steel, aluminum and wood, although some other options are available at varying price points.
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What is meant by Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)?
According to New York State's education program definitions, CEA is a combination of technology-oriented engineering, plant science, and computer management controls that "optimize plant growing systems, plant quality and production efficiency" for greenhouses.
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Do greenhouses have a purpose other than for growing plants?
Some environmentalists and scientists think that simple greenhouses may evolve at some point into controlled eco-systems that will be developed for purposes other than simply growing flowers, fruits and vegetables.
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Is there a difference between a greenhouse and a hothouse?
Strictly speaking, a greenhouse is heated only by the sun, while a hothouse has an artificial, or supplementary, source of heat.
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Were greenhouses once known by other names?
Victorian conservatories, solariums and arboretums were, essentially, the forerunners of modern greenhouses.
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What are the common types of Greenhouses?
Modern greenhouses are classified as Lean-to, Detached, or Ridge and Furrow, sometimes known as Gutter-connected structures.
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What is an Urban Greenhouse?
An urban greenhouse can be as simple as a small tent-like enclosure of translucent plastic with simple shelving to hold pots of flowers and kitchen herbs, located on your apartment building balcony in the midst of a bustling city.
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What is a Greenhouse?
The most basic definition is “an enclosed structure used to facilitate the cultivation of plants that require regulated climatic conditions."
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How do I prepare an excavated farm pond site for liner installation?
Proper preparation is key—there are several steps you’ll need to take to make sure it is done right.
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How do you winterize a farm pond?
You may not need to do anything—but if you raise fish or if the pond has a lot of aquatic vegetation, steps may be required ahead of winter.
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How to prevent tree roots growing through a farm pond liner?
Tree roots can damage pond liners—but there are things you can do to prevent this from happening.
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What thickness should a farm pond liner be?
Flexible liners are available between 20 mils (and lower), up to 60 mils and beyond—but the 35 to 40 mil range is ideal for most farm ponds.
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