Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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What is that scum in my nutrient reservoir?
Scum in your nutrient reservoir can be different things, depending partly on where you find it.
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How can I tell if my seeds are viable?
It's not possible to tell if a seed is viable by looking at it. Fortunately, there are some simple tests you can do at home.
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What is the difference between aeroponics and aero-hydroponics?
Aero-hydroponics, oddly enough, are a hybrid of aeroponics and traditional hydroponics.
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Can I move soil-grown plants to hydroponics?
Yes, it's possible to move plants that have started in a soil-grown environment to hydroponics, but care needs to be taken.
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Is hydroponic farming profitable?
Hydroponic crop farming as an industry is valued at over $800 billion in the US alone.
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What is aquaponics?
Aquaponics is essentially a combination of hydroponics and aquaculture
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Are LED lights good for hydroponics?
Lighting for hydroponics operations is a particular concern for those who are growing indoors or during seasons where daylight is inadequate for the plants you're cultivating.
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What is nutrient lockout in hydroponics?
Nutrient lockout happens when all the necessary nutrients for plants are present in the water, but plants are unable to access them.
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When and how do you clean hydroponics systems?
Hydroponics systems should be cleaned whenever the nutrient water is changed.
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what causes leaves to turn yellow in hydroponics?
Plants with yellow leaves in hydroponics systems can be caused by several factors, but most often points to nitrogen deficiency.
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Are hydroponic plants organic?
Hydroponic plants are well suited to organic techniques, but the two are not automatically associated.
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what causes plants to die in hydroponics?
There are several things that can cause plants to die in hydroponics operations. The basic things to check for are a lack of water, physical damage like broken stems, or temperatures that are too high or too low.
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How do you choose the right hydroponic system?
There is no one-size-fits-all solution in hydroponics, much as in life.
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What can I do with my used up hydroponic solution?
Ideally, hydroponic solution should be recycled through the system repeatedly, but when it's time to replace it, take care to dispose of it in an environmentally responsible manner.
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What is aeroponics?
Aeroponics is similar to hydroponics in that plants are grown without soil.
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What are the best plants to grow hydroponically?
Almost any plant can thrive in a hydroponic system, but there are certain types that are more easily adaptible.
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Do plants grow faster with hydroponics?
Since hydroponics provides a near-ideal growing condition, plants are often found to grow more quickly, more vigorously, and provide more plentiful harvests.
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How long does hydroponics take?
Some hydroponically grown plants are known to grow 40-50% faster than their field-grown rivals.
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Are hydroponic plants better?
Hydroponically grown plants are the same plants grown in soil, just under more ideal conditions.
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Do hydroponic nutrients expire?
Commercially prepared, unmixed nutrient formulas often don't reflect an expiration date, which means that so long as they're properly stored, they're good pretty much indefinitely.
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Is hydroponics better than soil?
There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides of the soil debate.
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How often do you change hydroponic water?
There's no set-in-stone schedule where hydroponic water must be changed, but certain conditions should always trigger a complete water change.
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How do you make a nutrient solution?
Nutrient solutions for hydroponics systems can be made at home or purchased through a garden supply store.
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