Welcome to the BTL Knowledgebase. Ever since we started lining ponds, creating covers, and helping people with their projects, we've gotten asked a lot of questions. Many of these questions are repeatedly asked, so we put together the BTL knowledgebase to help answer any questions you had about a particular subject. We are adding new questions every month, so continue to check back often!
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what contaminants can be found in groundwater?
Materials from the land's surface can move through the soil and end up in the groundwater.
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how do mines use groundwater storage lagoons?
Any groundwater encountered during mining and drilling processes is contaminated and cannot be allowed to return to the water table or it will contaminate the entire aquifer.
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How are lagoons used as secondary containment?
Some pond and lagoon structures aren’t filled upon construction, but instead, function as a form of secondary containment for another pond or tank.
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is a storage lagoon the same as a pond?
While ponds and storage lagoons can be the same thing, ponds are not necessarily used for the storage of water to be used for a later purpose, like lagoons are.
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what is a water storage lagoon?
Water storage lagoons are bodies of water used in order to store water for a variety of purposes.
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how can i store groundwater for a long period of time?
Groundwater lagoons are utilized to safely store water and prevent seepage or contamination over a long period of time.
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who uses groundwater storage lagoons?
Many people utilize groundwater storage lagoons. This includes agricultural industries, mining operations, local communities, and more.
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what causes contamination in groundwater storage lagoons?
Contamination in a storage lagoon can come from a number of sources, this includes poor maintanence or installation, or some kind of extensive damage.
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what are contamination signals in my groundwater storage lagoon?
New spills, debris, odors, or colors from or in your pond could be a sign of contamination.
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Are all lagoons used to store groundwater?
Lagoons can be used for a variety of reasons, including storage, treatment, impoundment, and more.
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What alternatives to groundwater can I use to fill my storage lagoon?
Water from precipitation, like rain or snowmelt, is also often used to fill storage lagoons.
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Are trees around my groundwater storage lagoon a problem?
Trees can cause a variety of problems when placed near lagoons or bodies of water.
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Is it illegal to pump water from underground into my storage lagoon?
Some locations will have particular regulations regarding groundwater pumping.
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Do I need a permit to pump groundwater into my lagoon?
Different states and local municipalities will have different restrictions on whether you may pump groundwater from your property, and what it can be used for.
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How do I make the groundwater in my lagoon safe to drink?
There are severally ways to manually purify your own water in an emergency situation.
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How can I use the water from a groundwater storage lagoon?
Groundwater lagoons are normally used to store water for livestock's drinking water and small-scale irrigation.
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Can I drink water from my groundwater lagoon?
Lagoon groundwater often needs to be treated before it is safe for human consumption.
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How do I keep groundwater in my lagoon?
In order to properly store groundwater, your lagoon must be lined with a potable-grade certified liner that prevents seepage.
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How do I keep algae out of my groundwater lagoon?
Algae blooms are primarily caused by excess levels of nutrients within the lagoon.
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What if the groundwater in my area is depleted?
Depleted levels of groundwater may lower lake and river levels, and make it harder to draw up water from wells.
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why do water levels in wells rise and fall?
The water that your well pulls from can rise and lower with the amount of precipitation and discharge nearby.
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Can groundwater come up through my basement floor?
If there's a sudden rise in the watertable, this can push groundwater towards the surface, and through incredibly small cracks in your basement's foundation.
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what makes a groundwater well go dry?
Wells can go dry if an aquifer is depleted without having any opportunity for recharge.
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