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How to maintain a commercial greenhouse?
A greenhouse needs to keep a constant eye on several factors: temperature, humidity, water levels, and air circulation.
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How to market a commercial greenhouse?
Simply claiming that products are "greenhouse grown," won't be enough to sell your products on their own -- identify a niche where your products fit in, what is their particular appeal?
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How do commerical greenhouses make money?
Greenhouses sell their products at local grocers, markets, restaraunts, or even online through their own specific brand.
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Should a greenhouse business use heated greenhouses?
Heated greenhouses protect plants during cold, freezing nights, and can even extend the growing period yearround.
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How do you design a commercial greenhouse?
Identify your goals and your budget, what is most important to you and your plants versus what are you willing and able to sacrifice?
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How do you heat a commerical greenhouse?
There are many ways to heat a greenhouse meant for commercial use, ranging from electric heaters to passive, geothermal heating.
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Why is a business plan important for a greenhouse?
A business plan is the primary way you can expect to obtain outside funding, as well as represent your business goals in a clear and concise manner.
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Where should a greenhouse business be located?
Find a market in which you see a place for yourself, the less miles you need to travel to sell your wares, the more money you'll make in between.
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Does a greenhouse need a business plan?
A business plan is an excellent starting place to identify your greenhouse's goals and begin your designs.
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What is a business plan for a commerical greenhouse?
A greenhouse's business plan will include a summary of your plans, analysis of the local industry and market, and specific definitions of your products and services.
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How much does it cost to build a commercial greenhouse?
The initial investment for your greenhouse ranges based on what you intend to grow, and at what scale.
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What kind of businesses need a greenhouse?
Any business that intends to source its own organic food will benefit greatly from using a greenhouse.
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Can a greenhouse turn a profit?
A greenhouse presents a wide array of opportunities for making money, even on a small scale.
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Can a greenhouse make money?
Yes! Even a small greenhouse can make money by creating ready-to-use products that can be sold at roadside stalls, local stores, or farmer's markets.
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Can a business run off of a greenhouse?
There are lots of ways a business can be born from a greenhouse, whether by directly selling to other companies or stores, or by creating products that can be sold individually.
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How big is a commercial greenhouse?
Commercial greenhouses can range from small, attached hoop-houses to thousands of square-feet, industrial nurseries.
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How does a greenhouse make money?
Greenhouses make money through retail via individual business or brand ventures at grocery stores, farmers markets, restaraunts, etc. or by agreeing to sell their crops wholesale through a distribution company.
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What is a commercial greenhouse?
These greenhouses grow crops specifically for commercial means, meaning that everything there will be sold for either retail or wholesale markets.
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How do I start storing food?
Make a list of what you're family uses each week, and how much. Knowing what you're going to need, how much, and how often, is the best way to anticipate what you'll need in an emergency.
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Is it too late to prepare for a food shortage?
It's never too late to begin preparing -- there is still plenty of food on the shelves and tools to start building your own stockpile.
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Can I grow enough to feed my family?
A medium sized garden can easily support the average family.
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Can a greenhouse replace groceries?
With the addition of some staples, like bread, rice, butter, cheese, milk, pasta, etc., a garden can happily replace almost any produce you'd usually pick up from the store.
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