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What is Coal Ash?
Much like what’s left in a grill or a fireplace at home, the coal ash produced by a power plant is the waste left after burning raw coal.
Changing Regulations for Coal Ash Residue Containment
As with many types of potentially hazardous waste, regulations continue to change and evolve as new information comes in about the long-term impact of pollution.
Cooling and Handling Requirements for Coal Ash Residues
It’s not enough to design a safe and well-lined impoundment to hold all the coal ash residues produced by a power plant.
Other Disposal Methods for Coal Ash
Recycling and reusing coal ash are big business today, since it reduces costs for disposal while making good use of the waste material.
Why Flexible Liners Work Best for All Types of Coal Ash Containment
It’s simply not enough to excavate a well-designed impoundment basin and expect it to suffice for holding coal ash slurries and “dry” mixtures.
Why is It Hard to Line Coal Ash Containment Pits?
Containment pits and basins for coal ash aren’t the easiest kind of impoundment to line.
Risks of Coal Ash Containment Failure
Even if you follow the EPA’s latest regulations on lining and containing coal ash residues, you can end up dealing with a release that leads to remediation costs and fines.