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Top FAQs for Greenhouse Preppers
Can I heat my greenhouse with compost? Composting can absolutely be used
Waste Not, Want Not--Making the Most out of Your Waste
Waste is the enemy of any good prepper.
What To Grow in a Prepper’s Greenhouse
Your greenhouse is set-up and ready to start growing, so what should you grow?
Greenhouse Prepping in the Middle of Winter
So, what about the winter? You’ve got a greenhouse functioning, growing organic, fresh produce right in your backyard.
Your Prepper Pantry
How does one begin preparing? This is a large question and can seem overwhelming.
A Sustainable, Disaster-Proof Greenhouse
When emergencies strike, there’s so many directions they can come from.
Designing a Prepper’s Greenhouse
So, you’re thinking about the future, and a greenhouse is definitely somewhere in your plans.
A Prepper’s Greenhouse
A greenhouse can be so much more than just a great place to relax, get your hands dirty, and nurture the fruits, or vegetables, of your labor.
7 Top Questions About Gardening for Survivalists
Typical survivalists want to be reliably independent in their food production
A Fruitful Future
In a long-term survival situation, viable seeds for food crops are worth their weight in gold.
How Should My Garden Grow?
People living in the US, Canada, and other wealthy countries are well aware of the health risks
Designing a Survivalist Greenhouse
The first thing to do when you begin to plan a greenhouse to supplement your food stores
Avoiding Hunger During a Disaster
If you’re living in the city or in an apartment building, your options for storing or preparing food may be limited by space
When Disaster Hits
Remember Hurricane Sandy? After making initial landfall in Cuba, the 2012 super storm proceeded to wreak havoc
Safe Spaces: Urban, Rural, or Remote?
If you live in a large, congested city, survival planning will look very different than for those living in remote areas.
Food Crisis: It’s Not Just Your Imagination
Food scarcity, hunger, famine. These words are becoming increasingly familiar
Who Are Survivalists?
Survivalists, or preppers, are a varied group of people who, operating under differing philosophies and methods, are committed to proactively preparing for emergencies.