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Top Questions About Fire Ponds and Firefighting
A fire pond serves as a crucial support in case of fires.
Protecting Homes in Oregon’s Wildland Urban Interface: Wildfire Mitigation Strategies
Wildfires significantly threaten communities in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).
Balancing Water Scarcity and Firefighting in Oregon: The Critical Role of Fire Ponds
Wildfires are a growing threat, especially in Oregon, where climate change and plentiful vegetation
A Guide to Mastering Fire Pond Maintenance
A fire pond, also called a fire suppression pond, is a body of water strategically located and designed to provide a water source for firefighting efforts.
Building a Fire Pond, Step-by-Step
When it comes to protecting your property from the devastating effects of wildfire, having a reliable and effective fire suppression system
Planning a Pond for Fire Retention: A Guide for Oregon Residents
Building a fire retention pond can be a wise investment in safeguarding your property against the devastating wildfires that often occur in Oregon.
Planning a Fire Retention Pond in Oregon: Key Considerations
Building a fire pond on your property is a substantial investment and requires careful planning and a commitment
Oregon Firefighting: Changing Circumstances, Changing Tactics
One of the main difficulties firefighters face, in wildlands during droughts, is locating adequate water sources.
Oregon Firefighting Strategies During Water Scarcity
Oregon’s water-related challenges are more significant than just the temporal and spatial rainfall distribution across the state.
Wildfires in Oregon: Challenges and Solutions
Oregon has a unique, fire-prone environment due to natural and human factors.