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Tailwater Return Pipes
The pipe size needed for pumping back tailwater to be reused will depend on the flow rate of the return pump.
Chasing Your Tailwater
Excess tailwater is still likely going to be present with the amount of water one uses to ensure proper soil saturation
Drip Irrigation
While flood irrigation was being used across the globe, some ancient inventors were attempting early forms of irrigation technology considered groundbreaking today.
Centre-Pivot Irrigation
While flood irrigation has been around for millennia, it's far from the only way to irrigate modern fields.
Flood/Furrow Irrigation
For millennia, the traditional form of irrigation was flood irrigation.
Irrigation Consideration
Improving our ability to water our crops has been on the human consciousness for a long time.
Dealing with Drought
The World Meteorological Organization and Global Water Partnership released "Three Pillars of Integrated Drought Management"
Drought Statistics and Data
Our world is getting warmer and wetter. In the United States, eight of the ten hottest years ever recorded have occurred in the past two decades