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Regulations on New Fishing Ponds and Lakes
The first place to start when planning any new body of water, especially one that will be fed by an existing creek or river, is with the regulating bodies of your county and state.
Water Sources for Fishing Lakes
Careful construction and design will result in a fishing lake that is leak proof as possible.
Proper Fishing Lake Depth when Building a Fishing Lake
Choosing the right depth for the lake is essential to encouraging rapid fish growth and natural reproduction cycles.
Structure and Design of the Fishing Lake
The actual design of the fishing lake is more complex than you might think.
Preventing Water Loss with Flexible Liners in a Fishing Lake
Gradual water loss is a silent killer of millions of pounds of fish per year.
Choosing a Fish Safe Liner Material when Building a Fishing Lake
Flexible liners solve a lot of the challenges of lining a large fishing lake, but they’re not all equally qualified for the task.
Private vs Public Fishing Lakes and Ponds
Building a private fishing lake may seem like a big project just for something to share with friends and family.
Fertilizing for Fishing Lakes
If you’re used to fertilizing fields for bigger crop yields, you may have already heard of fertilizing ponds as well.