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Top Questions about Aeroponics
Aeroponics is a system of food production where plants are grown without a growth medium.
Farmers in the Sky
Did you know that NASA is one of the strongest proponents of aeroponics? Space agencies around the world
Starting Your Own Aeroponics Project
While there are a few different types of aeroponics, the concept is consistent, so there will always be some similarities
Aeroponics for Hobbyists
In recent decades, gardening has become increasingly popular in the US.
Aeroponics: Good Things to Know
They may be expensive to purchase, but aeroponics systems, in general, are relatively easy to maintain.
The Ups and Downs of Aeroponics
Aeroponics systems promote maximum nutrient absorption through plant roots without the interference of a growth
Droplet Size Matters in Aeroponics
When investigating the specifics of aeroponics, you may see some conflation between hydroponics and aeroponics systems
How Does an Aeroponics System Work?
Since aeroponics is defined, in part, by a lack of growth media, the question of how to keep plants in place, roots down and leaves up
What’s So Special About Aeroponics?
Aeroponics is the practice of growing plants in a closed environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium.
BTL Liners: Your Aeroponics One-Stop-Shop
The final question in any guide to aeroponics is, of course, where to get your materials.
Successful Aeroponics: Tips from the Pros
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when getting started with a new venture
Aeroponics Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance are no one’s favorite topics, yet they are critical aspects of any farming operation
Components of an Aeroponics System
We’ve gone over in detail how aeroponics works above, but now we must take a look at the components involved
Benefits of Aeroponics Growing Systems
Aeroponics brings a huge raft of benefits to the table, from better use of resources to greater food access year-round
What Is Aeroponics?
Many people are familiar with hydroponics, but fewer have heard of its cousin, aeroponics. As the name suggests, it is the practice of growing plants right in the air.
Is Aeroponics Right for Me?
Aeroponics can vary widely in its level of complication and automation
Aeroponics Propagation
Plants growing through aeroponics get all their needs met through nutrient-rich mist, directly applied to the naked roots.
Cleaning your Aeroponics System
Since aeroponics is so heavily reliant on pumps and sprinkler heads
Aeroponic Maintenance
Air is incredibly good for plants. The more oxygen that a plant gets access to, the healthier and faster the plant will grow.
Kinds of Aeroponics
Low pressure systems rely on a simple pump, like those found in ponds or backyard fountains.
Vertical Farming
Vertical farming is a burgeoning form of aeroponics that is quickly becoming very popular thanks to its many, many benefits.
Aeroponic Design
Aeroponics is specifically designed in order to maximize the amount of oxygen exposure that each plant receives.
Why Aeroponics?
In natural environments, plants must extend their roots far and wide in order to find pockets of nutrients within the nearby soil.
What is Aeroponics?
Aeroponics is a unique form of agriculture which grows vegetables, flowers, or other plants in a soilless, medium less, environment.