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10 Tips for Using Geosynthetics for Catchment and Pond Lining
Geomembranes are designed to support roadways and reinforce retaining walls, so they also work great for keeping ponds and catchment basins watertight and easy to maintain.
Choosing the Right Material for a Geomembrane Liner
Geomembranes, in particular, are challenging to choose correctly.
Signs a Project Will Need Geosynthetics
While geosynthetics do offer a lot of benefits for large grading and earth moving projects, they’re not always required by every design.
What Materials Are Used for Making Geosynthetics?
As with functions and characteristics, many geosynthetics also share common material composition.
How to Choose the Right Geosynthetics for a Project
With an umbrella term, covering so many distinct types of products with very different purposes and features, it’s easy to get confused and mistake one type of geosynthetic for another.
The Five Main Functions of Geosynthetics
Regardless of the type of material, all geosynthetics provide at least one of the following five major functions.
What are Geosynthetics?
Geosynthetics are defined as polymers shaped into planar materials for the purposes of reinforcing and improving soil conditions.