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Protecting Penetrations Through Mining Geomembranes
Between drains, pumps, plumbing and maintenance ports, mining ponds often feature multiple penetrations through the sides and bottom of the geomembrane liner.
Raincoat Liners for Mining Heaps
In addition to protecting the ground from seepage with buried liners, mining facilities need to consider stopping rain from infiltrating heaps of raw material.
Geomembranes for Mining Evaporation Ponds
Evaporation ponds are widely used throughout the various branches of the mining industry.
Installation Challenges for Mining Geomembranes
While geomembranes are practically required by many of today’s modern mining projects, they’re not without installation considerations.
Which Geomembrane Materials Work Best for Mining Applications?
With so many uses for geomembranes in the mining industry, during both active and closed stages of a project, it’s no wonder they’re so widely used.
How Geomembranes Play Important Roles in Mine Reclamation
It’s not enough to simply specify certain mining geomembranes during the original construction of a mine.
Mining Uses for Geomembranes
In addition to being universally popular for road construction and pond lining projects alike, geomembranes are essential for the mining industry.
What are Geomembranes?
You’ll find dozens of mentions of geomembranes in the recommendations and standards for mining facilities in most states, but the exact definition of this term isn’t always clear.
Groundwater Extraction and Pond Storage for Drinking and Agriculture
On the opposite end of the water storage spectrum, groundwater is often pumped during periods of high volume and stored for future use.
Reusing Mining Groundwater
Finding opportunities to reuse the processed groundwater, produced by mining and drilling, prevents environmental damage while saving money.
Retrofitting Existing Groundwater Lagoons
Failed, or leaking, groundwater lagoons aren’t necessarily beyond repair.
Lining Solutions to Preventing Contamination for Lagoons
Durable and flexible liners made from a high-quality polymer work best for groundwater storage lagoons and ponds of all kinds.
Lagoons vs Ponds
If you’re looking for standards from the EPA regarding groundwater and wastewater storage, you’ll need to determine whether you’re building a lagoon or a pond.
Storing Mining Groundwater in Secure Lagoons
Power generation plants, natural gas extraction sites and hydraulic fracturing all require groundwater for cooling or processing.