There are hundreds of aging and old hatcheries around the country that must shrink their production goals each year as individual tanks and ponds are shut down for leaking and water quality issues. This is unnecessary since, in most cases, it’s relatively easy to retrofit the aging structures with flexible liners. As federal and state level hatcheries secure the funding for repairs, it’s not surprising to see most of them are choosing to install flexible liners to restore function to existing ponds and raceways rather than building brand new ones. Each retrofitting project is unique, but the same basic steps apply.
Removing Old Liners
It’s not always necessary, or even recommended, to remove old liners. Broken up concrete is one exception since it can be sharp and unstable enough to tear or rip the liner as it’s stretched over the surface. If there’s no structural instability, it’s possible that pouring a new, smooth layer of concrete over the surface is enough. Flexible liners, buried deep under mud or ponds that had no liner to begin with, need little else other than the basic preparations.
Stabilizing Clay and Soil
If soil is exposed and there’s no other liner stabilizing the ground, it may be necessary to complete a new grading and smoothing pass. Unlined ponds especially need this work since years of accumulated sludge makes for a poor surface for applying a flexible liner. Pay careful attention to removing any rocks or roots and creating a smooth surface for the liner to rest against. If necessary, install an underlayment. These cushioning and protecting materials can be applied over soil, concrete, damaged liners, and other materials to ensure that the liner above stays intact. Some underlayments are also specifically intended to stabilize loose or shifting soil.
Adding New Support Structures
When retrofitting with new liners, it is the perfect time for adding other features to the pond; especially an earthen pond that doesn’t require as much work to alter as a concrete feature. If you’ve wished you had harvest kettles, more drains, new pumps, or better bank access points, make sure to shape and pour any concrete additions before adding the new liner. You don’t want to cut into the new liner just to add these features later and will get better results from installing them all at the same time.
There’s no need to give up on an aging hatchery and build a whole new facility. These facilities are particularly well-suited to retrofitting and reuse thanks to the flexibility of flexible liners. Restore your old ponds and tanks back to production today with the help of BTL Liners.