Water features that take the form of creeks, rivers, lakes and ponds have numerous purposes on your golf course. Sound and visual effects are key environmental enhancement features. A golf course with a visual and auditory impact can effectively promote focus and wellbeing for your visitors, which will keep them coming back for more.
Water Feature Placements for All Golfing Levels
The placement of your water feature to act as a hazard for your golfers should be carefully considered. This challenge is directed primarily towards stronger players with options always available to avoid the water feature hazard. Because hitting the ball into water is such a severe penalty, it should be positioned in an easily visible way to your golfers so there are no surprises.
Lateral hazards tend to be more forgiving than forced carries. Likewise, water features that run diagonally across a fairway produce alternatives for golfers of all levels.
How to Create an Impressive Visual Impact
For an impressive visual impact, water features should be viewed from elevated sites. As a general rule, the larger the body of water, the more impressive it appears. For instance, vistas across water are often created from strategic locations like the entrance drive, clubhouse or elevated tees.
Keeping your water feature free from algae and weeds is feasible by ensuring that its water is deep and its surface area is substantial. Shoreline treatments can range from elaborate rock walls to natural vegetation, depending on the feature’s desired appearance and your construction budget.
How to Promote Relaxing Sounds in Your Golf Course
One of the most appealing aspects of a water feature for your golf course are the soothing sounds produced by fountains, rapids and waterfalls.
Have you ever wandered through a Japanese garden or past a koi pond and felt a deep sense of inner peace and relaxation?
You can bring this same soundscape and soothing effect to your golf course with a water feature. By creating a peaceful atmosphere through sound, you and your golfers can focus more easily and enjoy some relaxation at the same time. Soothing water sounds have been proven time and time again to block out distraction, ease tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and help people find more joy in their daily lives.
The sound of running water has a calming effect that is useful for blocking aggravating noises that may arise from nearby traffic, machinery, or other golfers. Gentle waves lapping against rocks or wooden shorelines can create the same relaxing soundscape.