In the not-too-distant past, home vegetable gardens almost disappeared from residential landscapes, with homeowners preferring to cultivate vast lawns and ornamental plantings instead. However, the pendulum has swung back in favor of vegetable and culinary herb gardens, and the natural extension of that has been the renaissance of the home greenhouse.
Cost Savings
One of the biggest advantages of growing a significant amount of your own vegetables in a home greenhouse is that you'll save quite a bit of money at the supermarket checkout counter. You'll also save money on bedding plants for your outdoor flowerbeds, hanging baskets, and containers because you'll be able to start them from seed instead of purchasing them from a home and garden retailer.
Higher Nutritional Value
Freshly picked fruits and vegetables have higher nutritional value than their grocery store counterparts. This is because your fruits and vegetables were not shipped across the country in cooler vans before being placed in supermarket produce vans. Nutrient value begins to drop as soon as a fruit or vegetable is separated from the vine. Since commercially grown produce is commonly harvested before its fully ripe, its nutritional profile has not yet fully developed.
Optimal Flavor
You don't need to be told this if you already grow and harvest an outdoor garden during the growing season, but freshly picked produce simply tastes better. You'll be enjoying the literal fruits of your labor when your fruits and vegetables have reached that perfect pinnacle of ripeness.