Hydraulic Fracturing | The Best Liners for Fracking and Oil Containment

BTL’s reinforced polyethylene liners are created with specialty geosynthetic material. Our material aligns with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the oil, gas, and mining industries. Oil and gas industries are BTL’s largest customers. We provide liners for oil and gas hydraulic fracturing pits, drilling site pits and pad liners, oil field containment, above-ground containment and mining containment systems. Primary and secondary containment play a huge role in protecting the environment and preserving your product during transportation and storage.

Liner Purposes

Once the fracking well is drilled you will need containment for the flowback (water with sand and additives) used in the hydraulic fracturing process. Flowback is typically stored in a reservoir or frac pit after being used and extracted. Reservoirs and frac pits require liners for safe containment of flowback. Tanks above ground hold the solution and the reservoirs and frac pits are built into the ground. Liners are used to secure flowback and keep it safely contained. Secondary containment also requires durable liners to ensure the preservation of your product. Reinforced polyethylene liners are an excellent option for primary and secondary containment. It is important to use the most robust liners when operations take place near lakes, rivers, and streams. BTL reinforced polyethylene liners play a crucial role in protecting natural resources. When our liners installed adequately, they prevent the harmful chemical compositions from seeping into the earth’s surface.

BTL Liners | Reinforced Polyethylene Liners for Fracking

There are different materials to choose from, but reinforced polyethylene (RPE) has many advantages when it comes to hydraulic fracturing. You can choose the variety of thickness, from 12 to 40 mil. Our liners are coated with a low-density polyethylene coating. Because of this coating, the reinforced polyethylene liners are durable and impermeable — and can handle the chemicals contained in flowback. Larger reinforced polyethylene liners are created by welding liner material panels together. Since fracking is outside, our reinforced polyethylene liners are UV resistant to ensure the longevity of our product. BTL’s reinforced polyethylene liners help companies operating in the fracking industry by saving time and money while helping you to achieve your goals to comply with environmental regulations. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our RPE liners, we look forward to helping you with your next project.

Liners by BTL

AquaArmor Pond Liner

The most versatile liner on the market today, AquaArmor maximizes protection from harmful UV rays, tear resistance and punctures that cause leaks. Simply the best liner on the market.

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