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Wastewater Management and Containment
Since wastewater storage facilities often serve for extended periods, engineers must consider long-term risks.
Agricultural Wastewater
Agricultural wastewater is water produced from farming activities, including fertilizer, pesticides, animal slurry, crop residues, or irrigation water.
What is Wastewater?
Wastewater is an inclusive term referring to water made unsuitable for repeated use either due to the service itself or outside contamination.
Liners and Toxic Waste
There are various kinds of liners that can be found within a sanitary landfill
Toxic Waste Management
Since toxic waste can be so harmful, great care must be taken while collecting, transporting, and storing hazardous materials.
What’s Toxic Waste?
Toxic or hazardous waste is any kind of waste that can be dangerous or cause harm to humans or the environment.
Best Liners for a Sanitary Landfill
The various levels and layers of a sanitary landfill require different forms of liners and sealant.
A Waterproof Liner? For Solid Waste?
When we think about solid waste, we don’t really think about water being a consideration
A Sane and Sanitary Landfill
In 1965, the U.S. government passed the Solid Waste Disposal Act
Solid Waste: Garbage, Then and Now
Humans have been grappling with our garbage for a very long time.
Risks of Tailings Loss and Environmental Exposure
Since the beginning of the modern mining industry, there have been hundreds of tailings collapses, slides, and floods.
Can Tailings Ever Be Reused?
Mining is full of materials that are not the ore or mineral being targeted for excavation.
Lining Recommendations for Tailing Storage
With so many challenges to storing and containing tailings in the long run
Wet vs Dry Storage for Mine Tailings
Mine tailings may be produced in the thousands of tons per mine, but they are not all uniform in their characteristics.
Primary and Secondary Containment for Tailings
Tailings are a potentially hazardous material, depending on the exact content of the material
Tailings vs Overburden vs Other Materials
Modern mining operations may produce thousands of tons of tailings after the ore is removed and processed for valuable materials.
Types of Impoundments Used to Contain Tailings
Whether kept relatively dry and heaped or mixed as a sludge and pumped into a pond
Tailings: Why Are They So Difficult to Contain?
While there are many other materials that can risk human health or cause environmental damage
BTL + Stormwater Harvesting = Environmental Solutions
Ready to stop talking about stormwater and start doing something about it?
The Importance of Maintenance
Maintenance is required in all systems, from an automobile to a factory, an orchard to a stormwater harvesting strategy.
The Most Important Stormwater Harvesting Materials
Building the best stormwater management setup requires using the best materials.
Large-Scale Stormwater Harvesting
Stormwater harvesting works differently on a large scale.
Basic Stormwater Harvesting for Smaller Properties
Stormwater management in general is important for the world