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Geomembranes for Mining Evaporation Ponds
Evaporation ponds are widely used throughout the various branches of the mining industry.
Installation Challenges for Mining Geomembranes
While geomembranes are practically required by many of today’s modern mining projects, they’re not without installation considerations.
Which Geomembrane Materials Work Best for Mining Applications?
With so many uses for geomembranes in the mining industry, during both active and closed stages of a project, it’s no wonder they’re so widely used.
How Geomembranes Play Important Roles in Mine Reclamation
It’s not enough to simply specify certain mining geomembranes during the original construction of a mine.
Mining Uses for Geomembranes
In addition to being universally popular for road construction and pond lining projects alike, geomembranes are essential for the mining industry.
What are Geomembranes?
You’ll find dozens of mentions of geomembranes in the recommendations and standards for mining facilities in most states, but the exact definition of this term isn’t always clear.
The Importance of Sludge Removal and Management in Lagoons
One of the biggest benefits of using quality, flexible geomembrane liners in sewage lagoons is the improvements to the sludge removal process.
Signs of Trouble with a Sewage Lagoon
A sewage lagoon may look like it’s operating the same as it always has while water is secretly leaking out of a low quality, cracked liner.
Anaerobic, Aerobic, and Aerated Lagoons
All sewage lagoons rely on some kind of bacteria to break down waste.
What Liners Work Best for Sewage Lagoons?
It’s vitally important to never settle for any random pond liner for a sewage lagoon.
Processing and Polishing Lagoons for Wastewater
In addition to storage lagoons only designed to hold waste for pumping, most sewage ponds fall into either the processing or polishing category of treatment.
Risks of Both Active and Closed Sewage Lagoon
Sewage lagoons, when properly designed, are often in use for two decades or longer before being retired.
Residential vs Commercial Sewage Lagoons
The term lagoon can apply to both small-scale waste ponds and large, commercial, sewage treatment plants.
The Basics of Sewage Lagoons
All sewage lagoons share some features, although the specific mechanisms of water treatment can vary greatly between designs.
Why Use Geomembranes for Aquaculture Instead of Other Liners?
When an aquaculture pond doesn’t have a proper liner, the fish are often exposed to a wide range of diseases directly from the soil itself.
How to Choose the Right Aquaculture Geomembranes
Fish and plant safety are one of the main requirements for an aquaculture geomembrane.
Growing Plants, Fish, or Both with Aquaculture
Aquaculture primarily refers to fish farming, hatcheries, and related production. Yet, it still includes plant-focused disciplines like hydroponics.
Uses for Geomembranes Across Aquaculture
With so many potential benefits for aquaculture projects from geomembrane liners alone, it’s surprising that so many new systems are still built without proper lining.
The Importance of Containment for Aquaculture
Containment is a buzzword in most industries in which a single spill could cause serious damage.
The Benefits of Using Geomembranes as Liners in Aquaculture
There are dozens of different types of aquaculture, and then dozens more individual techniques and ideas within each category.
What is Aquaculture?
Aquaculture is usually defined as the umbrella term for all the practices used to grow plants or fish in water instead of soil.
What Features are Most Important in Ditch Liner Materials?
When comparing different types of ditch lining materials, it’s easy to get confused by the various measures of quality.
Can Flexible Ditch Lining Work in Cold Climates?
It’s a common misconception that only concrete can handle the expansion of water in ditches built in colder climates.
How Does Ditch Lining Work for Existing Ditches?
Existing ditches can benefit even more than new structures from being lined.