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The Importance of Water Retention Ponds

Retention ponds were once only used in agriculture and industrial site development

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What Makes a Great Baffle?

It’s important to evaluate not only the material used for your baffle system

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Designing an Efficient Clearwell Tank

It’s clear that strategic use of baffles in a clearwell tank enhances efficiency and effectiveness 

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The Benefits of Baffles

In general terms, a baffle is a barrier that slows and directs the flow of a liquid through a space

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Disinfecting Potable Water with Chlorines

A clearwell, also called a contact or disinfectant tank, is where the disinfection step takes place. 

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Water Treatment Stages II: Disinfection and Storage

Once water has gone through the major steps of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration

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Water Treatment Stages I: Removing Solids

Whatever the source, be it surface water or municipal wastewater, whenever water might be used for drinking, it must meet high standards for quality

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What Exactly is a Clear Well?

A clear well (clearwell) is an enclosed tank that comprises the final storage tank in a municipal drinking water treatment system

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Secondary Containment and Leak Detection for Landfill Cells

Secondary containment is a major challenge for every outdoor waste storage project

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Soil Caps vs Geomembrane Caps for Landfill Cells

It’s often a misconception that landfill cell designers choose between soil or impermeable covers when creating a cap for a closed unit

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Designing Multi-Layered Liner Systems for Landfills

Lining a landfill is quite possible, but it is a bigger challenge than some operators first assume

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Open Dumps vs Sealed and Capped Landfill Cells

For centuries, solid waste disposal was informal and largely consisted of burning and burying trash 

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Why Methane Makes Landfill Capping So Tricky

The lined and capped design of a modern landfill cell may make it seem like the perfect way to contain solid waste

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Why Landfills Liners and Caps Go Hand in Hand

Landfill cell design requires more than just correct volume calculations and properly sloped berms

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The Basics of Landfill Cell Design

Almost all new landfills designed for solid waste in the U.S. follow the cell design

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Agricultural, Livestock, and Irrigation Ponds in California

Aside from decorative backyard ponds, new irrigation and livestock ponds account for the majority of the new water features

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Retention, Detention, and Storm Water Ponds for California

California did not create nine water boards to manage the entire state’s water supply 

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California Backyard Ponds

Residential and backyard ponds make up the majority of new water features added to California

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Liner Recommendations for All Types of California Ponds

Like ponds built anywhere in the country, California ponds need reliable and flexible liners

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Aquaculture Liner Requirements in California

Fish farming is big business, thanks in no small part to the development of new and better flexible liner products

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Ponds and Water Features for California Golf Courses, Resorts, and More

When drought conditions affect larger parts of the state, water restrictions are increased by the various water boards in California

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California’s Weather and Soil Conditions: How Pond Liners Are Affected

While each state has its unique challenges for pond construction, California’s natural conditions can be particularly hard on liner materials

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Water Limitations, Droughts and California Ponds

Water restrictions have been in place for decades in most of California, just like the rest of the Western states.

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The Future of Firefighting in Water-Scarce California

As the impact of changing weather patterns intensifies, California is confronting an unsettling new reality

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Firefighting in the Wildland-Urban Interface

As urban centers expand and land prices for a growing population continue to skyrocket

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