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Above and Beyond: The Power of Aerial Firefighting in Battling Wildfires

Wildfires have long been destructive, threatening lives, homes, and ecosystems.

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Interlift Liners or Single Liner Systems: Choosing the Right Design

For hundreds of years, heap leach pads were simple constructions of graded and berm soil with ore piled directly on top of the ground.

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Risks of Leaks and Seepage from Improper Heap Leach Pad Design

When compared to other widely used mining and processing methods, heap leaching is one of the least environmentally impactful.

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Complete Drainage Systems for Maximum Heap Leach Recovery

A heap leach pad may seem simple to construction and similar in design to any other containment basin.

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Threats to the Lifespan of Leach Pad Liners

While selecting the right liner is key to longevity and good performance under a leaching heap

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Starting at the Bottom: Selecting a Liner for Heap Leach Pads

Since heap leaching can help pull more valuable ore from tailings and other waste products left behind.

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How Heap Leach Pads Compare to Other Mining and Processing Methods

Heap leaching is just one of many techniques leveraged today to make mining operations for precious metals as effective as possible.

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The Basics of Heap Leach Pad Operation

Heap leaching is a unique technique, but it’s based on some fairly basic concepts.

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Top FAQs for Greenhouse Preppers

Can I heat my greenhouse with compost? Composting can absolutely be used

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Waste Not, Want Not--Making the Most out of Your Waste

Waste is the enemy of any good prepper.

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What To Grow in a Prepper’s Greenhouse

Your greenhouse is set-up and ready to start growing, so what should you grow?

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Greenhouse Prepping in the Middle of Winter

So, what about the winter? You’ve got a greenhouse functioning, growing organic, fresh produce right in your backyard.

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Storing Food and Water

So, what about everything that isn’t shelf-stable? 

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Your Prepper Pantry

How does one begin preparing? This is a large question and can seem overwhelming.

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A Sustainable, Disaster-Proof Greenhouse

When emergencies strike, there’s so many directions they can come from.

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Designing a Prepper’s Greenhouse

So, you’re thinking about the future, and a greenhouse is definitely somewhere in your plans.

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A Prepper’s Greenhouse

A greenhouse can be so much more than just a great place to relax, get your hands dirty, and nurture the fruits, or vegetables, of your labor.

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Top Questions about Greenhouse Growing

Greenhouses create an artificial environment for your plants, forming the ideal conditions.

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Tomatoes: Greenhouse Workhorses

Tomatoes are an incredibly popular choice for gardeners.

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Planning for year-round Harvests

For a passive greenhouse in mild to moderate climates, (most of the continental US)

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Greenhouse Equipment

Potting soil - Use sterile, fresh soil. Soil needs to replenish its nutrients after being used to grow particular plants. Change up the soil, or, what you’re growing

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Growing on a Budget

If it’s plants you’re keen to develop on a budget

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Winter and Your Greenhouse

Even though active plant development is at its lowest during the winter in the greenhouse

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Greenhouse Blues

Having trouble in your greenhouse paradise? Don’t fear.

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A Plan to Grow By: Greenhouse Growing

So you’re officially a greenhouse owner. Regardless of its size or shape

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