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How to Choose a Location For Your Farm Pond

There are dozens of different considerations that determine the perfect site for a pond. Many of them are a matter of preference or fixed by circumstances, such as proximity to your home for convenient swimming...

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Permits for Your Farm Pond

Learn how to deal with permits for your farm pond. 

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Benefits of a Farm Pond

Ponds are relatively easy and affordable to create, offer multiple benefits to the property owner, and require relatively little maintenance and troubleshooting when built correctly.

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How to Use Your Light Deprivation Greenhouse to Tend Sick Plants

If any of the plants you are growing begin to show signs that they are undergoing some type of disease, pest, fertilizer burn, or drooping leaves and general symptoms of sickness, a separate greenhouse can be designated for these plants.

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Things You May Not Know About Light Deprivation Greenhouses

here are several intricacies to light deps that make them more productive and easier to source organic nutrients, help infected plants, return to health and more. 

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Is a Light Deprivation Greenhouse Right for Your Business?

To determine whether the costs of implementing a light dep system are worth the reward, you might want to take a few things into account.

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Different Light Deprivation Greenhouse Setups

There are several different designs to choose from, from the most complex, to the simplest.

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How to Make Your Own Light Deprivation Greenhouse

To start on your light dep project, we will focus first on greenhouse construction.

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How to Use Greenhouse Light Deprivation for Your Business

If you are looking to increase your yields, have many harvests throughout the growing season, or withstand extreme weather conditions, light depriving greenhouse systems are a viable answer to your business-related questions.

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Greenhouse Light Deprivation FAQ

Light deprivation greenhouses give the advantage of many harvests per season, protection from frost, early flowering, and the possibility of automation.  Learn more in our FAQ. 

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Which Plants Grow Best with Greenhouse Light Deprivation?

There are several species of plants that have been noted to do exceptionally well in a light deprivation greenhouse:

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How Greenhouse Light Deprivation Works

Light deprivation, also known as "light dep," is a technique that controls how often plants receive light, and how much light is received.

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Benefits of Greenhouse Light Deprivation

The benefits of light deprivation are numerous. If you're thinking about starting light deprivation growing on your property or in your business, here's what you need to know.

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Waterfalls 101

Waterfalls create a beautiful, sparkling cascade of water that produces their signature, soothing sound. A water feature with a waterfall is ideal to place near a patio or any outdoor sitting area.

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Water Garden Troubleshooting

Water features are usually very low-maintenance. But once in a while, you’ll encounter problems.

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4 Types of Water Garden Plants

If you’ve only grown plants on dry land, you’re in for a treat. Water garden plants are fascinating, fun, and beautiful.

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Understanding Water Garden Pumps and Fountains

Pumps are like the heart of the garden. They are the devices that push water through filters, up through fountains, and along streams. They vary widely in size, power, and price.

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Tips on Which Materials to Choose for your Water Garden

Concrete block is readily available at garden centers, easy to work with, and usually less expensive than natural stone. While designs and coloring of concrete has improved in recent years, there’s just no replacing natural stone.

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Maintaining Your Water Feature

Your water garden will do well with minimal attention. You will need to spend some time in the spring setting it up and then sometime in late fall, prepping it for winter. But water gardening otherwise will be some of the lowest-maintenance gardening you’ll do!

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Choosing and Caring for Fish in Your Water Garden Pond

Fish add color, movement, and life to any water garden. Even in a small container garden, you can put a small betta, which is one of the most tolerant of a wide variety of conditions.

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Choosing Your Water Garden Location

Just as with installing a new flower garden or planting a new shrub or tree, it is critical to select an appropriate location for your water feature. A good site sets you up for easy care, maximum enjoyment, and minimal expense and hassles.

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Designing Your Backyard Water Garden

Water gardens can be very different.  Some are formal; others informal. They can be small or huge, lush with greenery or sleek with none, extremely contemporary or deeply traditional. What kind of water garden do you want?

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How to Choose a Water Garden Pond Filter

The role of a filter in your water garden is simple: It keeps the water clear and free from debris. What filter best fits your needs?

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Water Garden Construction Basics

Building a water garden yourself takes some research, a good back, and knowing some tried-and-true water garden construction tricks.

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Geomembrane Liners are Essential for Golf Course Renovations

When your golf course shows signs of aging, your clients will notice. When it’s time to renovate your golf course....

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