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Everything About Lovely Lavender

Known and valued since ancient times, lavender has recently gained popularity as a profitable cash crop. 

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Understanding the Challenges of Maintaining a Large Pond

Large ponds can be a stunning and valuable addition to any landscape.

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Save the Water: Sealing and Lining a Large Pond

Selecting the appropriate materials for your large pond is vital to ensure its longevity and functionality.

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Building a Large Pond: Basic Structures

Now that you have planned the functional details of your pond, it's time to bring your vision to life. 

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Managing Water Depth in Pond Design: Engineering Considerations

Regardless of the type of farm pond you choose, you’ll need to design a way for it to drain during heavy rainfall and runoff.

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Keeping the Water in Place: Levee and Excavated Ponds

Levee ponds are unique man-made structures that stand out for their adaptability and efficient use of landscapes

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Keeping the Water in Place: Watershed and Embankment Ponds

When building a pond, there are various approaches you can take depending on your specific goals and preferences.

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How Wide and How Deep? Essential Design Principles for Large Ponds

When building a pond, simply digging a hole, and filling it with water won't suffice.

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Building a Pond? Consider This

Once you’ve decided on the purpose of your large pond, it’s time to determine the appropriate size and location to ensure its success.

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Unlocking the Potential: Discover the Endless Possibilities of Large Ponds

Large ponds provide property owners with many benefits.

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Introduction to Large Ponds

Surprisingly, no official criteria exist that distinguish a pond from a lake.

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Choosing Landfill Gas and Leachate Collection Systems

Everything from the exact number of wells installed on a landfill cell, to the type of collection system

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Well Spacing for Adequate Control and Efficient Gas Capture

Most of the factors that control the final gas production rate of any particular landfill cell

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Site Preparation Tips for Landfills Designed for Gas Production

Designing a landfill cell with gas collection in mind from the start, is the best way to maximize production over time. 

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How Liners Play an Essential Role in Landfill Gas Collection

It’s easy to assume that all gas issues in a landfill cell are handled by the cover

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Capping Landfills with the Right Cover Material for Gas Collection

Gas release may begin as soon as the first layer of waste is added to the cell, but these early discharges of carbon dioxide and methane are usually permitted

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Condensate and Leachate: Inevitable Byproducts of Gas Production

While landfill systems designed for gas collection and control may be primarily focused on gases

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What’s in Landfill Gas?

Landfill gas is often mistaken for being a single type of gas due to being referred to by the LFG term

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Why Collect and Contain Landfill Gas?

All waste eventually breaks down, even if it takes thousands of years. 

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How Lake Restoration Can Reduce Flooding Risks

As development continues pushing commercial and residential construction into flood plain areas

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Chemical vs Physical Solutions for Lake Restoration

Some proponents of lake restoration methods are completely against physical solutions for water quality issues.

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Choosing a Liner That Can Handle Large Scale Lake Restoration

A lake restoration project may call for using an impermeable liner material over the entire bottom and banks of the feature

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When Are Liners Used in Lake Restoration?

Restoring anything as big as a lake, is likely to require more than one approach.

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Identifying Lakes in Need of Restoration

Not every lake that looks a little disheveled or high in algae needs immediate restoration.

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Private vs Public Lake Restoration

Lake restoration is often discussed and written about as solely the undertaking of municipal groups responsible for public bodies of water.

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