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What Is Aeroponics?

Many people are familiar with hydroponics, but fewer have heard of its cousin, aeroponics. As the name suggests, it is the practice of growing plants right in the air.

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Is Aeroponics Right for Me?

Aeroponics can vary widely in its level of complication and automation

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Aeroponics Propagation

Plants growing through aeroponics get all their needs met through nutrient-rich mist, directly applied to the naked roots. 

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Cleaning your Aeroponics System

Since aeroponics is so heavily reliant on pumps and sprinkler heads

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Aeroponic Maintenance

Air is incredibly good for plants. The more oxygen that a plant gets access to, the healthier and faster the plant will grow. 

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Kinds of Aeroponics

Low pressure systems rely on a simple pump, like those found in ponds or backyard fountains. 

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Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a burgeoning form of aeroponics that is quickly becoming very popular thanks to its many, many benefits.

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Aeroponic Design

Aeroponics is specifically designed in order to maximize the amount of oxygen exposure that each plant receives. 

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Why Aeroponics?

In natural environments, plants must extend their roots far and wide in order to find pockets of nutrients within the nearby soil.

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What is Aeroponics?

Aeroponics is a unique form of agriculture which grows vegetables, flowers, or other plants in a soilless, medium less, environment.

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The Potential of Large-Scale Algae Production

While algae have been cultured somewhat informally around the world for many centuries as a food or feed source, large scale commercial production is still relatively new. 

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Why Is It So Challenging to Grow Algae?

With so many promising uses for algae, it’s a wonder that the commercial algaculture industry is still relatively new and small. 

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What Does Algae Need to Grow?

As much as algae tend to take over everything from aquariums to natural lakes, it’s surprising that it needs any care at all to flourish.

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Open vs Closed Algae Production

While it’s common to see advanced glass or plastic bioreactors displayed in articles about commercial algaculture, many facilities actually rely on open raceways or ponds instead. 

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The Basic Components of Algae Raceway Ponds

Raceway ponds are affordable and effective algaculture systems that are usually built to take advantage of natural sunlight. 

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Lining Options for Algae Raceways

Algae raceways of all sizes and styles need impermeable lining solutions. 

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Material Concerns for Specific Production Methods

Raceway materials have to be selected by more than just their cost or suitability for algae production. 

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Covering Outdoor Raceways

While most raceways are large ponds, built outdoors, to maximize the use of natural sunlight, they can struggle to perform in those open environments. 

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What is Coal Ash?

Much like what’s left in a grill or a fireplace at home, the coal ash produced by a power plant is the waste left after burning raw coal. 

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Changing Regulations for Coal Ash Residue Containment

As with many types of potentially hazardous waste, regulations continue to change and evolve as new information comes in about the long-term impact of pollution.

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Cooling and Handling Requirements for Coal Ash Residues

It’s not enough to design a safe and well-lined impoundment to hold all the coal ash residues produced by a power plant. 

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How Can Coal Ash Be Recycled?

Recycling coal ash residue is often a win-win situation. 

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Other Disposal Methods for Coal Ash

Recycling and reusing coal ash are big business today, since it reduces costs for disposal while making good use of the waste material. 

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Why Flexible Liners Work Best for All Types of Coal Ash Containment

It’s simply not enough to excavate a well-designed impoundment basin and expect it to suffice for holding coal ash slurries and “dry” mixtures.

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Why is It Hard to Line Coal Ash Containment Pits?

Containment pits and basins for coal ash aren’t the easiest kind of impoundment to line. 

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