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Understanding Fire Protection Ponds: How to Prevent Winter Barn Fires

Barn fires are arguably the worst thing that could happen to a farm. 

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How to Maintain My Fire Suppression Pond

Now that your pond is ready to go, it’s time to look at maintenance.

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Understanding Fire Ponds: What is a Dry Fire Hydrant?

In rural areas, especially those where municipal water systems are not readily available, dry hydrants are used to supply the water needed to fight fires.

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How to Choose the Best Liner for My Fire Protection Pond

Now that you have selected when to build your fire protection pond, it’s time to choose which liner is best for your project. 

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When Should I Build My Fire Retention Pond?

Now that you have your planning in place, it’s time to decide when to build your fire retention pond.

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Fire Ponds and Safety: General Rules for Emergency Access

A fire suppression pond is a phenomenal feature to have in order to defend your community or property, and you will want to let your local fire department or other emergency responders know how to best access the water before you begin construction.

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How to Build a Fire Retention Pond: Permits and Zoning

As you now know, there’s much more to building a fire retention pond than simply digging a hole and letting it fill with water. 

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Planning out Your Fire Protection Pond Build for the Long Run

There are several things that need to be planned out before you start building your fire protection pond.

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Choosing a Liner for Your Fire Pond

Selecting smart lining for your fire pond is the best way to ensure its longevity. 

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How to Size and Fill Your Fire Protection Pond

There are several things to consider when designing a fire protection pond. Here, we will discuss how you can identify the best size, shape, depth, and filling for your project.

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Why Do I Need a Fire Suppression Pond?

Fire suppression ponds have a variety of uses including helping first responders fight local fires, providing reserve water sources for irrigation, and offering simple aesthetic improvement for your home, property, or community. 

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A Brief History of Fire Containment and Fire Ponds

For the last few decades, fire ponds have provided the emergency water necessary to fight wildfires. But before the widespread use of fire ponds, emergency teams had to utilize natural water sources in the countryside. 

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What is a Fire Suppression Pond?

By designation, a fire pond is an area of water that is kept for use in case of a fire.

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What Does the Future Hold For Hydraulic Fracking and Oil Containment?

Oil and natural gas in the United States is on the verge of transforming the world’s energy markets for a second time, further undercutting both Saudi Arabia and Russia.

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What Are The Best Ways to Protect My Fracking Operation?

Our nation’s oil and gas industry has made immense technological strides in the last ten years, making the extraction of resources more efficient.

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Hydraulic Fracking Q&A: Part II

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Hydraulic Fracking Q&A: Part I

As a leading producer of hydraulic fracking liners in the United States, our team fields a lot of questions around the industry.

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Hydraulic Fracturing and Frac Tanks Support the American Economy

There’s no denying that fracking has upended the American energy system.

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Do Frac Tanks Help the American Economy?

The implementation of hydraulic fracturing has significantly lowered energy prices while strengthening energy security.

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What are Frac Tanks?

As technology employed by hydraulic fracturing advances, new water containment and flowback containment methods also rise in the fracking market.

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What Locations do Hydraulic Fracturing and Frac Pad Liners Require?

With any strategy, there is the option to return to a well pad to drill more wells and continue extracting oil and gas. 

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What are the Major Differences Between Hydraulic Fracturing and Conventional Drilling?

While traditional drilling is only done vertically, hydraulic fracturing can expand from 100 to 2,000 feet horizontally in order to better capture oil and gas within each layer or zone that has been fractured.

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All About Frac Pits: Understanding Primary Frac Pit Liners and Secondary Frac Pit Liners

In this article, we’ll delve a little deeper with our understanding of fracking by exploring frac pits as well as how to best line them.

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Your Checklist to Selecting the Best Oil and Fuel Liners

State regulatory programs often include parameters such as liner requirements, maintenance, closure, and financial assurance requirements.

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How Do I Choose the Best Oil and Fuel Liners? Understanding the EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has a multitude of requirements in place in for the gas, oil, and mining industries.

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