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Are Green Roofs Cost Effective? Lifecycle Costs and Savings

Just like a conventional roof, expenses will continue.

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Are Green Roofs Cost Effective? Capital Costs and Abatements

The term “green roof” covers a wide spectrum of building-topping concepts

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Unexpected Benefits of a Green Roof

Did you know that the plants in a green roof can provide a critical habitat for birds, butterflies, and insects

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Are There Other Reasons to Have a Green Roof?

There is no doubt that green roofs offer significant environmental benefits on several levels

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How do Green Roofs Help the Environment?

The name green roof doesn’t refer only to the color of plants and other growing things that define a green roof installation.

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Urban Heat Islands and Green Roofs

Heat islands are regions in urban areas where the ambient air temperature is consistently higher 

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What are Brown Roofs?

Green roofs are systems that can be controlled and maintained at different levels. 

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What is a Green Roof?

At the most basic level, the term green roof refers to a layer of vegetation planted over a series of specialized roofing layers that function together

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Ten Important Questions About Using Geotextiles in Road Construction

Geotextiles are synthetic materials designed for use in civil engineering and construction applications.

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Maintaining Geotextile-Reinforced Roads Part 2: Soil Separation, Load Distribution and Cost-Effectiveness

Check for vegetation growth through the road surface. Excessive vegetation may indicate areas where the geotextile is not effectively preventing soil intrusion.

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Maintaining Geotextile-Reinforced Roads Part 1: Road Condition and Drainage

Incorporating geotextiles in road construction has proven to be a game-changer in enhancing the durability and longevity of infrastructure.

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Green Roads, Sustainability, and Geotextiles

The use of geotextiles, specifically slit film woven geotextiles, has emerged as a key player in fostering eco-friendly infrastructure.

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Geotextiles in Road Construction

In modern civilization's complex structure, our roads connect diverse communities, facilitate commerce, and drive economic momentum.

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Strength Woven into Roads: Installing Geotextiles

The construction of a sustainable and durable transportation infrastructure relies on weaving resilience into the fabric of our roads.

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Design Considerations for Road Geotextiles

The use of slit film woven geotextiles in road construction has revolutionized the way roads are built and maintained

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Strengthening Roads with Slit-Film Woven Geotextiles: Key Functions and Benefits

In road construction and civil engineering, there is a perpetual quest for innovative materials 

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Exploring Geotextile Varieties: Taking a Closer Look at Their Roles in Road Construction

This article will examine the distinctive realm of woven geotextiles.

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Introduction to Slit Film Woven Geotextiles

In civil engineering and road construction, innovative solutions are constantly needed to enhance performance

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Options for Dealing with the Water Stored in Frac Pits

Frac pits may be designed with care and covered with liners warrantied to last decades

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What Makes Frac Pits More Challenging Than Other Fracking Ponds?

Hydraulic fracturing sites often have half a dozen or more unique types of ponds and pits 

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Selecting the Right Liner Material for Frac Pits

Selecting the right liner material is important for every pond, impoundment, and other water-holding area.

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Recycling and Treating Produced Water

With millions of gallons of fresh water going into each hydraulic fracturing well, it’s no wonder that hundreds of thousands of gallons can come back out. 

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How to Keep Produced Water and Other Frac Byproducts from Affecting the Local Environment

It’s well-known that produced water, in particular, can have negative effects on the water and soil surrounding the oil field.

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What are Frac Pits and Ponds?

The hydraulic fracturing work site is often full of various basins, pits, and ponds to hold fluids and other materials close to the active well pads.

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Top Questions About Hydraulic Fracturing

According to the IPAA, there are about 1.7 million fracked oil and gas wells in the U.S. as of 2021

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