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Who Mandates Containment for Fuel and Oil Fields?

When you first begin researching and planning for secondary containment on an oil field, it’s necessary to start at the top and work downward in terms of regulations. 

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Why Dikes and Bunds Aren’t Enough for Oil and Fuel Field Containment

If you’re looking at the cost of building multiple containment basins for your oil field, you may wonder why you need concrete or flexible polymer liners at all.

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Designing a Better Fish Hatchery

Aquaculture has a history spanning centuries, but the methods used have been relatively basic for most of that time. 

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Environmental Factors for Fish Hatchery Design

The environment around the fish hatchery plays a large role in its success or failure. 

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Challenges of Maintaining Steady Water Quality in a Fish Hatchery

Fish hatcheries rely even more heavily on steady water quality than fish farms, due to the sensitivity of fry and fingerlings. 

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Why Do Ponds, Hatchery Tanks, and Raceways Need Lining?

If you’re not planning to build any in-ground ponds for your fish hatchery, you may wrongfully assume that there’s no need for flexible liners at your facility. 

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Rigid Tanks vs Custom Designs with Flexible Liners in Fish Hatcheries

One of the biggest benefits of choosing flexible liner materials over rigid tanks or cast concrete is customization. 

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Choosing a Flexible Liner for Fish Hatchery Uses

It’s clear that flexible liners have an important role to play in the modern hatchery, whether it’s for lining a ditch to prevent runoff from ruining water quality or for protecting an in-ground pond. 

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To Drain or Not to Drain Hatchery Ponds

Hatchery ponds, much like any intensive fish farming pond, are unique in that they are regularly, completely harvested. 

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Retrofitting Older Hatchery Ponds and Raceways with New Liners

There are hundreds of aging and old hatcheries around the country that must shrink their production goals each year as individual tanks and ponds are shut down for leaking and water quality issues. 

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What is Stormwater Management?

Stormwater runoff is generated when natural precipitation – rain, snow, ice melt, etc. – does not initially infiltrate/percolate into the ground. 

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Managing Stormwater in the City

Although cities afford untold opportunities to the human race, the development that goes with them tends to cause problems when it comes to runoff management. 

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What are Floodplains?

Floodplains vary in size and consist of the floodway -- the main channel of the river or stream -- and the flood fringe which extends from the outer banks of the floodway to the enclosing valley walls.

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Stormwater Management in Urban Settings

Historically, stormwater strategies have included methods to collect, store and move runoff away from urban environments into nearby waterways to prevent flooding in the cities.

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Low-Impact Development Stormwater Management Strategies

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the term low impact development refers to “systems and practices that use or mimic natural processes that re

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Stormwater Use for Green Roofs / Vegetated Rooftops / Living Roof

A green roof, a low impact development (LID) strategy, is an alternate roof surface that is partially or completely covered with vegetation. 

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Stormwater Conservation Landscaping

One example of a LID strategy, termed conservation landscaping, preserves native species and provides wildlife habitat while also improving water quality. 

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Rain Gardens and Bioretention Areas

A rain garden, one example of a low-impact development strategy, is a planted shallow depression (the catchment area). 

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What are Disconnected Downspouts?

Downspout disconnection is a LID strategy that separates roof downspouts from their previous normal route – a piped system that enters the sanitary sewer system and/or discharges it onto impervious surfaces.

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Water Harvesting Stormwater

Water harvesting, a LID strategy, is the collection and storage of rainwater.

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Catch Basins for Stormwater

A catch basin, also known as a storm drain, is used to redirect water to prevent flooding. 

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Bioretention Basins and Retaining Ponds for Stormwater

Bioretention basins are another low-impact development strategy. 

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Stormwater or Rainwater Art

Stormwater management is not always pretty. In fact, many times, drainage ditches, culverts, and black pipes can be an eyesore. 

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Permeable Pavement for Stormwater and Rain

Permeable pavement, also referred to as porous concrete or pervious concrete, is a highly porous pavement that allows rainwater to pass through it and soak into the ground beneath it. 

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Impact Design Requirements of LID Stormwater Management

The main goal of low-impact design strategies is to distribute or scatter stormwater and urban runoff across developed sites.

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